The Team
The LNK team consists of highly motivated individuals with a passion to use their skills and experience to improve the prospects of young people in London.
LNK has a number of trained mentors between the ages of 22-33. Collectively they have experienced: social exclusion, challenging home environments, socio-economic disadvantage, mental health issues, and many have been victims and perpetrators of crime, had friends incarcerated, lost close friends to violent crime, and many other life experiences.
As a team we take pride in working tirelessly to educate and mentor thousands of young people in South London and bring about change in the community, and as a charity we are always looking to expand and develop our programs to reach even more young people across London.

Eliza Rebeiro
CEO and Founder
I am the CEO of Lives Not Knives a charity I founded with my mum when I was 14.
Growing up I was always very confident and always had a lot of friends around me, I wouldn’t say I enjoyed school but there were certain subjects and teachers that kept my attention, history and geography I loved and my primary teacher Miss Stanley. I would say I was very lucky, my mum and grandma took my brother backpacking each year and I had already seen China, India, Australia and other countries by the time I was 11. This opened my eyes to the beauties of the world as well as real poverty and a different world to what I had ever seen on TV or in the UK.
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Monique Rebeiro
Co-founder and Consultant
I was fortunate to have been brought up in a secure, fun-loving, family orientated environment. My strengths were compassion, wisdom, kindness, generosity and overall humanitarian. I had the ability to manage money and creativity was my forte. From a very young age the values that were instilled into me by my mother were: enjoy life, be independent and strive for my goals, because there are no barriers and I am in charge of my destination.
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Paul Bogle
Social Media Editor and Youth Worker
I grew up in New Addington for most of my life and lived in a single parent household with my mum and two brothers. I attended Castle Hill primary school before moving on to Selsdon High School, where I started making friends from Croydon and its surrounding areas like Thornton Heath and Norwood. I was popular among my peers growing up and was known for my humour and unique creativity, with both being things I was known for from a young age.
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Jack Price
Lead Youth Worker
Yes People Dem!
So, you want to know about me?
I am a dreamer.
Read full story >Our trustees
The LNK team is also supported by a number of partners and trustees. These individuals provide guidance and expertise from a number of different fields and industries, and together form a vital component of the charity and our extended family.

Jack Price
Lead Youth Worker
Yes People Dem!
So, you want to know about me?
I am a dreamer.
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Monica Beckles
Chair of Trustees
I was appointed the Chair of Lives Not Knives in February 2020 and I consider it a true honour. The teams’ passion and commitment to make a real difference to the lives of young people is infectious. They are deeply dedicated to reducing knife crime and are achieving remarkable outcomes from their focus and hard work, steering young people toward a more fulfilling and productive life.
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Kate Newton
Hi, I’m Kate Newton and I am a new Trustee at LNK (I joined in April 2020).
I’m involved with LNK because I am saddened by the growing number of young people whose lives have been ruined or ended by knife crime attacks.
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Chris Jellow
I am proud to have joined the board of Trustees as Treasurer for LNK.
I was born at then Mayday hospital and raised in Thornton Heath, living in Croydon my entire life but for a few years spent at university. My childhood was a happy one, as being one of seven siblings and one of what felt like several hundred cousins, I was never short of things to do or people with which to spend my time.
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